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por kesia.ventura — publicado 19/11/2015 15h44, última modificação 19/11/2015 15h45

Izabela Hendrix has two campi with the adjusted infrastructure to guarantee the excellence of its Programs. In these spaces, employees, students, professors and the community use laboratories, libraries, clinics, theater, sports courts, chapel, classrooms and common spaces as instruments that form citizens and bring improvements for the society.


Praça da Liberdade Campus
Rua da Bahia, 2020 - Praça da Liberdade
CEP: 30160-012 - Belo Horizonte - MG
(31) 3244-7200 • 0800 283 0200


Venda Nova Campus
Av. Dr. Álvaro Camargos, 205 - São João Batista
CEP: 31515-200 - Belo Horizonte - MG
(31) 3582-2472